Monday 28 January 2013

Headed for the wild west

2 weeks ago, we(me- Teresa, husband-Mark, Joel 11 years and Jess 9 years) were completing final preparations for a year long trip in an offroad caravan (Bushtracker) and Toyota landcruiser all the way around Australia.
Are we there yet?
That sounds pretty funny, but the preparation for this year long trip has been an adventure in itself. When you're doing an offroad trip preparation is more than maps and where I'd like to go. More on that later...

January 15th, 2013
After a successful and expected hot Nullabor crossing we have arrived safely in W.A. Headed north to Kalgoorlie then back south to the Esperance coast.

Pildappa rock- on Eyre Highway
Nullabor Cliffs- Nullabor
Caving in a blowhole- Caiguna, Eyre Highway
Gold Super pit and all the friendly locals- Kalgoorlie
Snorkelling- Starvation Harbour, near Esperance